Learning Persian Language

Persian, which you might also know as Farsi, is a language almost as beautiful as its region of origin. It is unique, poetic and influential. It opens the door to one of the most distinctive Middle Eastern cultures.

In this page, you’ll discover many reasons to consider Persian for your next foreign language project – as well as few myths about its supposed difficulty. You'll also find some useful resources and tips to help you learn Persian effectively and enjoyably.

Did you know that over 130 million people speak Persian? The majority live in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan, though many live in Uzbekistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Turkey, Kuwait, Azerbaijan, Israel, Turkmenistan, Oman, Yemen, the UAE, and the United States.

Persian has remained unchanged for centuries, so unlike in many other languages, you can experience world-famous Persian literature in the exact language it was written. You can read the works of Rumi, Hafez, Khayyam, Ferdowsi and many more in their original form.

Persian is also easier than you think. It has a simple grammar that doesn't have gender or cases. It has a lot of shared vocabulary with Arabic and English. It has a phonetic alphabet that is easy to learn. And it has a melodic intonation that makes it sound pleasant to the ear.

So how can you get started with learning Persian? Here are some suggestions:

Learning Persian is not only rewarding but also fun. You will discover a rich and diverse culture that spans thousands of I meant to say thousands of years of history and civilization.
